IN HER FAD | The Woman of Now feat. Kylie Padilla


By  Liah – Roxas Magundayao

Women have fought long and hard for their rights since 1848.  Even in this modern age, a lot of women are still struggling to fight stereotypes, inequality, outdated gender norms, violence and a whole lot more.

Kylie Padilla , 28,  is a Filipina actress, entrepreneur, artist, a mom, a woman. And today, with Fair Magazine, we are sharing a piece of her personality through a series of Q&A and why we believe that she is the “Woman of Now”. Being an empowered woman, she is steering clear of the stereotypes and conventional beliefs of how a woman should be in this modern society.

Q: What do you want your life to be about?

“I want my life to be about growth, conquering everything that comes my way and hopefully, come out a better person than I ever was. Recently, I’ve grown a fondness in traveling. I want to travel and discover new places. I feel like this pandemic really drove us to get to know our inner selves, almost forcefully because we had no choice. I want to open myself up to the world again and learn through the world, people and cultures.”

Q: When do you feel most empowered as a woman?

“I feel most empowered when I embrace who I am. When I accept both the good and bad about myself. In every moment, whatever emotions or thoughts, I try to find myself beneath all of it my essence… more than my looks and even intelligence.  It is empowering once I find my truth and stick to it. I was taught my whole life to fit into so many boxes that just didn’t fit me, it was painful to try and keep pleasing other people. It’s empowering for me to muster up the courage to sit with it and ask myself if what I am doing thinking and feeling is what I actually value and is this something I truly believe in. I try to gauge myself on that inner compass.”

Q: Given your platform, how do you empower other women? 

“Honestly, I used to want to be a role model. But I know that I am not. Being a role model is a heavy shoes to fill. I’m not sure if I want to be one anymore. What I want women to know is that life will be challenging. But we have so many opportunities now, we are the result of so many generations of women who fought for our freedom. I want women to cherish the growth of their minds, their souls and their spiritthe value of their essence. So much focus is put on our looks when our real value should really be focused on our values and inner strength. There is no shame in being beautiful, it’s a great way to get attention and have your voice be heard but you also need to have something to say that is worth hearing.

Q: What is your idea of moving forward?

“Change and acceptance. To move forward is to let go of the version of yourself that has expired. You have to accept your mistakes and actively move to be changedchange your habits, your beliefs, your thinking pattern. Otherwise you will be stuck replaying scenarios in your head while trying to move on. It will feel like you are leashed to your past and you are suffocating trying to pull away. Set yourself free and take off the leash before you walk away.” 

Q: What is your idea of beauty?

“Owning your truth and who you are no matter how imperfect and weird. There is no other way than to just be you.”

Q: Any beauty advice or tips for women your age and the younger generations who look up to you?

“I think I said it but I just want to add HAVE FUN. Laugh. Enjoy the journey. Get to know yourself and don’t be afraid. Your worth is more than your body. Cherish the beauty of your essence as a person.” 

Having the honor to have met and being able to have worked with Kylie Padilla during some of her events are not just among my favorite milestones in my career as a makeup artist but more so as a woman and a mom. She is such a multi-talented individual who is able to connect with a person in a much deeper sense, share a piece of her authentic self, and a glimpse of her beautiful soul.

Image source: Instagram @kyliepadilla

Portraits: Rap Yu @rapyuphotos


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  1. Miss Kylie🖤 , The natural aura you have is makes you more beautiful , Empowered women, for putting up yourself together for the sake of your kids! Independent woman , you don’t need a man miss KYLIE.. you have to grow .. not for anybody! But for yourself.

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