HEALTH | Korean beauty trend – Kombucha


BY| Liah Roxas Magundayao

A lot of health and wellness related products have emerged and resurfaced in the global market. The demand continues to surge especially since the Pandemic affected millions and millions of people worldwide.

The outbreak of the Coronavirus disease in 2019 has been very stressful to a lot of people. But many of us have been coping up with stress during these hard times in different ways that may comfort us – physically, mentally and emotionally.

Positive coping mechanisms include meditation, exercise, healthy diet, utilization of skills and engaging in new hobbies. But above all of the aforementioned, more and more individuals are switching to a healthier lifestyle that starts with the food and drinks that they consume.

The market is competitive and driven by an increase in the trend of “health and wellness” and the growing consumer demand for all-natural ingredients hence, making diet, organic prepared food and detox juices more sought after than ever.

One of the newest Korean Beauty trends of 2021 would be the Kombucha. It is a very popular health drink in Korea and now – also globally with Western influencers promoting it as one of the healthiest drink. 
Although it may seemingly be trending right now, well, We’re sorrry to say this but Kombucha isn’t really actually a NEW product, as it originated in Ancient China, eventually made it’s way to Europe and other parts of the globe.

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented, lightly fizzy, sweetened green or black tea and is popularly consumed for it’s health benefits. Many people say it helps relieve or prevent a variety of health problems. 

The basic ingredients of Kombucha are Yeast, Sugar and Black Tea. The mix is set aside for a week or more to activate the bacteria and acid in the drink, and also form a small amount of alcohol. This process is known fermentation just like how milk is turned into yogurt. 

Kombucha Health Benefits

Consumers and also studies have shown that Kombucha aids in digestion, as it’s bacteria contents include lactic acid bacteria that works as a probiotic and strengthens the immune system too.

When Kombucha is made with Green Tea, it produces bioactive compounds that acts as antioxidants that contains powerful anti aging properties that protects your cells from damage.

Green and Black Tea may also help you burn fat and help protect you from heart disease. It helps the body get rid of harmful toxins, boost your energy and ward off high blood pressure.


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