Special Feature: Experience a Restful Night Again with Goodnight Sleep Melatonin


By | Flor Leano

Sleep is an essential body function. It allows your body and mind to recover from a stressful day, leaving you refreshed and energetic when you wake up. Good sleep improves your brain performance, mood, and health. When you lack sleep, you  have probably noticed that you feel uneasy and can’t work properly. That’s true. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. Besides, not getting quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders. 

Having a restful night is associated with melatonin, a hormone in the body that plays a role in sleep. We naturally produce melatonin. But as we age, we produce less  of it, meaning we’ll often experience more fragmented sleep and wake up more often during the night. Another factor that can affect a good night’s sleep is stress. High levels of stress impair sleep by prolonging how long it takes to fall asleep or it makes one wake up often. Sleep loss triggers our body’s stress response system, leading to an elevation in stress hormones called cortisol which further disrupts sleep. There’s a remedy that can help you get back to your usual routine. Aside from having a warm bath and drinking warm milk before bedtime, you may also need a little more help from MEJIE Goodnight Sleep Melatonin, a food supplement that can help you sleep better. Luis Fernando Buenaver, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at John Hopkins explained that a melatonin supplement may help people with delayed sleep phase syndrome. You will know that you are suffering from delayed sleep phase syndrome if you fall asleep very late and wake up late the next day. Aside from this, melatonin can help in prolonging sleep.

MEJIE Goodnight Sleep Melatonin is FDA approved so it’s a top quality sleep aid. Prof. Buenaver recommends 1-3mg of melatonin supplementation two hours before bedtime. MEJIE Goodnight Sleep Melatonin is just within the range he recommended because it contains 3mg melatonin per tab.  Giving yourself the privilege to sleep well again benefits your skin and body. During sleep, your skin’s blood flow increases, rebuilds its collagen, repairs damage and helps in reducing wrinkles and age spots. Meanwhile, sleep can clear the brain and help maintain its normal functioning (Eugene & Masiak, 2015).

Time to put yourself in a deep slumber with MEJIE Goodnight Sleep Melatonin.





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