Mejie Premium White Adlai Rice: A Must-Try Superfood


By | Flor M. Leano, MAAL

Are you looking for healthier alternatives to our everyday meals? Then, consider replacing regular white rice with Mejie Premium White Adlai Rice, the healthy superfood locally produced in the country particularly in Zamboanga, Sagada and the Mountain Province. It’s a staple food for the locals that tastes close to rice with a slightly nutty flavor.

Mejie Premium White Adlai Rice is better than the rest of the popular grains we eat every meal. The Bureau of Agricultural Research explains that adlai has a good amount of complex carbohydrates that are still lower than brown and white rice. Comparatively, adlai has a lower glycemic index (GI) rating of 35 than white rice which has 73 (FNRI). Foods like adlai with a low GI value, meaning 55 or less, are more slowly digested, absorbed, and metabolized and cause a slower rise in blood glucose and insulin levels. In the long run, then, eating adlai may help those suffering from diabetes.

The Bureau of Agricultural Research also said that adlai is rich in protein and dietary fiber. A cup already has 14% of the daily recommended value (Rappler). Fiber helps you to feel full faster and reduces the urge to eat more which means that it may contribute to weight loss. Touted as gut-friendly, fiber naturally scrubs and promotes the elimination of toxins from the digestive tract. It soaks up potentially harmful compounds such as unhealthy fats before they can be absorbed in the body. Meanwhile, adding protein in your diet can help your body to repair cells and make new ones. Besides, protein is important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women.

Adlai, which is also known as “Chinese pearl barley” or “Job’s Tears”, is an energy booster containing 356 kcal per  100-gram serving. Thus, it can give you three times more energy than white rice. And in every serving of this superfood, you can get a considerable amount of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.

Cooking Mejie Premium White Adlai Rice is easy. Justadd one part of adlai to two parts water and simmer for 30-40 minutes until cooked. It can also be added to soups and stews. Or top a bowl of cooked adlai with stir-fried white onions, chopped bell peppers, and chopped fresh mushrooms seasoned with a little salt and pepper for a healthy and sumptuous meal.


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